August Update!

First of all, we want to apologize for the delay in releasing the August build for supported devices. but we have been transitioning to new locally-hosted servers for building as one of our

July Update!

With Android 12 around the corner we had decided to stop adding any extra features into PE. This moves is to mainly stabilise the builds we ship as Android 11 moves towards EOL.

June Update: New partners!

First of all we hope that everyone is doing fine and is safe. For the past two months we have been trying to make the download experience much better for you the USERS!

Mid April Update: New Issue Tracker!

Ever since the start of our journey we have seen people report issue , which sometimes never reaches the device maintainer. Most of the times the issue don’t have necessary logs, or steps

April Review: WFH Continues!

Face unlock has been updated and improved for smooth operation. The bug where the camera remained occupied after face unlock has been fixed! As always we try and make your experience better with